Position the bar close to your shins with your shoulders slightly in front of the bar (scapula over the bar). Keep your spine in a neutral position. Drive through your mid-foot, standing tall with a braced core. Ensure your hips are fully extended at the top.

Drive through your mid-foot, standing tall with a braced core. Ensure your hips are fully extended at the top.
Deadlift ▶
- Position the bar close to your shins with your shoulders slightly in front of the bar (scapula over the bar). Keep your spine in a neutral position.
- Drive through your mid-foot, standing tall with a braced core. Ensure your hips are fully extended at the top.
Single-leg Deadlift

Position the bar close to your body with your hips square and shoulders slightly in front of the bar. Brace your core and shift your weight to one leg.

Drive through your mid-foot, standing tall with your hips fully extended. Keep your floating leg off the floor and maintain a tight core throughout the movement.
Single-leg Deadlift
- Position the bar close to your body with your hips square and shoulders slightly in front of the bar. Brace your core and shift your weight to one leg.
- Drive through your mid-foot, standing tall with your hips fully extended. Keep your floating leg off the floor and maintain a tight core throughout the movement.

Place the bar on your upper back, between the top of your traps and the top of your scapula. Set your feet shoulder-width apart with toes pointing slightly outward.

Keep your chest up and lower until the top of your thighs are parallel to the floor. Drive back up to the starting position, fully extending your knees and hips.
Back Squat ▶
- Place the bar on your upper back, between the top of your traps and the top of your scapula. Set your feet shoulder-width apart with toes pointing slightly outward.
- Keep your chest up and lower until the top of your thighs are parallel to the floor. Drive back up to the starting position, fully extending your knees and hips.

Rest the bar in the crease of your elbows and clasp your hands together. Set your feet shoulder-width apart with toes pointing slightly outward.

Keep your chest up and lower until the top of your thighs are parallel to the floor. Drive back up to the starting position, fully extending your knees and hips.
Zercher Squat ▶
- Rest the bar in the crease of your elbows and clasp your hands together. Set your feet shoulder-width apart with toes pointing slightly outward.
- Keep your chest up and lower until the top of your thighs are parallel to the floor. Drive back up to the starting position, fully extending your knees and hips.

Start with the barbell positioned directly over your sternum. Keep your arms fully extended, with your wrists straight and hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.

Lower the bar until the bar touches your chest, then return to the starting position.
Bench Press ▶
- Start with the barbell positioned directly over your sternum. Keep your arms fully extended, with your wrists straight and hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
- Lower the bar until the bar touches your chest, then return to the starting position.

Start with the barbell positioned directly over your sternum. Keep your arms fully extended, with your wrists straight and hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.

Lower the bar until the bar touches your chest, then return to the starting position.
Bicep Curls ▶
- Stand with an underhand grip, with your arms fully extended
- Keeping your legs straight, curl the bar until it reaches your collarbones. Return to the starting position with your arms fully extended

Start with the bar resting on your collarbones. Position your hands just outside shoulder-width with your elbows directly underneath the bar. Engage your core and ensure your feet are planted firmly on the ground, slightly shoulder-width apart.

Drive the bar upward in a straight line, keeping it close to your face as you press it up. At the top, the bar should be directly above your head, with your arms fully extended and your elbows locked out
Overhead Press ▶
- Start with the bar resting on your collarbones. Position your hands just outside shoulder-width with your elbows directly underneath the bar. Engage your core and ensure your feet are planted firmly on the ground, slightly shoulder-width apart.
- Drive the bar upward in a straight line, keeping it close to your face as you press it up. At the top, the bar should be directly above your head, with your arms fully extended and your elbows locked out

Select either a supinated (underhand) or pronated (overhand) grip. A supinated grip will engage the biceps more. Hinge at your hips, keeping your back straight and chest up until your torso is parallel to the floor. Your knees should be slightly bent, and your arms should hang straight down from your shoulders.

Engage your back muscles as you row the bar towards your body. Aim to make contact with the bar around your belly button or lower sternum area. Keep your elbows close to your body as you pull the bar
Bent Rows ▶
- Select either a supinated (underhand) or pronated (overhand) grip. A supinated grip will engage the biceps more. Hinge at your hips, keeping your back straight and chest up until your torso is parallel to the floor. Your knees should be slightly bent, and your arms should hang straight down from your shoulders.
- Engage your back muscles as you row the bar towards your body. Aim to make contact with the bar around your belly button or lower sternum area. Keep your elbows close to your body as you pull the bar

Position the bar securely across your upper traps, keeping your chest up and core engaged.

Take a step backward with one leg, lowering your body until your back knee almost touches the floor. Ensure your lead leg remains stable and avoid pushing off with your back leg—let your front leg bear most of the weight.
Reverse Lunge ▶
- Position the bar securely across your upper traps, keeping your chest up and core engaged.
- Take a step backward with one leg, lowering your body until your back knee almost touches the floor. Ensure your lead leg remains stable and avoid pushing off with your back leg—let your front leg bear most of the weight.

Place one hand and the same-side knee on a bench for support, ensuring your trunk is parallel to the floor. Your arm should be straight.

Drive your elbow upward toward the ceiling, leading with your elbow rather than your hand, and without shrugging your shoulder. Your elbow should stay close to your body throughout the entire movement.
Single-arm row ▶
- Place one hand and the same-side knee on a bench for support, ensuring your trunk is parallel to the floor. Your arm should be straight.
- Drive your elbow upward toward the ceiling, leading with your elbow rather than your hand, and without shrugging your shoulder. Your elbow should stay close to your body throughout the entire movement.

Place the bench at the edge of the base. Start with the bar positioned directly over your eyes. Grip the bar with your hands about shoulder-width apart, keeping your wrists straight and elbows locked in place.

Keeping your upper arms stationary, bend at the elbows to lower the bar towards your forehead, controlling the movement. The bar should almost touch your head at the bottom of the movement. Press the bar back up to the starting position by fully extending your elbows, squeezing your triceps at the top without locking your elbows completely.
Skullcrusher ▶
- Place the bench at the edge of the base. Start with the bar positioned directly over your eyes. Grip the bar with your hands about shoulder-width apart, keeping your wrists straight and elbows locked in place.
- Keeping your upper arms stationary, bend at the elbows to lower the bar towards your forehead, controlling the movement. The bar should almost touch your head at the bottom of the movement. Press the bar back up to the starting position by fully extending your elbows, squeezing your triceps at the top without locking your elbows completely.